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Spira Day 14: Industrialize!

We're already at the end of week 3 of Spira meaning there is only one more week left! Today was our introduction to industrial engineering! We introduced the girls to the world of industrial engineering and rather than starting small scale we had them think BIG! Our main activity for the day was utilizing cardboard to make furniture. Many people have looked into using cardboard as a viable material for furniture-- its easy to assemble and can simply be recycled for an upgrade. As we discussed industrial engineering we moved into the wonders and many uses of cardboard in our modern day society. We then split the girls up into pairs and assigned each pair a living space in a room (i.e a bedroom, the bathroom, the living room, etc). Their goal was to utilize the cardboard in the room to create a piece of furniture and then sell it to the rest of the class. The girls were wildly excited as they were able to use their creative flair for interior design with an engineering mindset! In the afternoon we continued with the furniture and then had the amazing Joel Schwartz come to talk about his work in biomechanics at Rhode Island Hospital. The day was a lot of fun, can't wait to see how the last week of camp will unfold!

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