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Spira Day 5: Try Try Again--Kickstart to Electrical Engineering!

Today we began week 2 for Spira!! This week we bring our attention to electrical and computer engineering. For day one of this week, we gave the campers and introduction to Electrical Engineering. We introduced them to the basics of electricity and circuits!

Afterwards we ran through a couple activities from a lemon powered battery to a do-it-yourself (DIY) speaker. While the activities did not work as perfectly as originally planned it was a great time to show the girls some of the troubleshooting and deep thinking that comes with engineering. They were able to see that not everything works on the first try and that is an important aspect to learn in engineering. Following our list of activities we watched a TED Talk featuring a man who solved his problem of colorblindness by building an electrical machine that allows him to hear colors rather than see them by utilizing various wavelengths in light. It was an exciting video that showed the girls some of the innovations being made in electrical engineering today. We finished up the day with some fun in the sun allowing the girls to soak up some well deserved outdoor fun. Can't wait to see how the rest of the week unfolds!

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