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Day 18: Last Mentor Wednesday :,(

Today we began our day with a moment of silence to calm down and focus our energy into the busy day we had ahead of us. The campers then got into their final project groups and began working on sketching, planning and then constructing their final projects. We are so excited to see what they come up with!

We finally finished the presentations about the final projects and then moved into our last Mentor Wednesday :,( . We tested the campers' knowledge about their mentors by playing a version of the "Newly Wed" game where the mentor groups competed in answering questions about their mentors. We were very impressed by our campers' knowledge of their mentors' spirit animals, favorite awful-awful flavor, and favorite type of engineering (among other fun facts)! We then transitioned into a fun and informative panel with our mentors--the campers got to ask all the mentors any and all questions they had (about college, finding a job, what Spira has done for them, and many others). After a lunch of Ethiopian food, we continued working on the final projects (which are looking great!). Mid-afternoon we headed downstairs to Prince Lab to hear a talk from members of the Brown Building Society about the projects they have worked on, including a large, electricity-generating wind turbine! We got to see parts of the turbine and learn about how it created electricity. After they wrapped up their talk by explaining that they are now working on a hovercraft, we went outside to MacMillan field to play a few games before parting ways for the day. Tomorrow are the final project presentations, and we can't wait to see all the finished projects!

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