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Mega Monday!

We officially started the first day of camp today! After our Do-Now, we took a field trip to the Fox Point Hurricane Barrier, which was created in the 1960s to protect Providence from flooding during a hurricane. One of the civil engineers who works for the Hurricane Barrier, John, showed us around the facilities and gave us an in-depth explanation of how it operates.


The trip showed us how civil, mechanical, and electrical engineering can be brought together to complete a large-scale project that helps the population.

After our field trip, the students made batteries using potatoes, oranges, lemons, coins, and electrolyte solution. We'll finish our experiment worksheets on the batteries tomorrow morning.

We then had a visit from two members of Brown's FSAE Team, Sam and Isaku. Brown's FSAE Team builds a racecar every year and Sam and Isaku explained how the team designs, builds, and tests the car each year.


Tomorrow we will go over how to analyze and create circuits and then have the students create circuits themselves!

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